Monday, March 2

Fun in Florida

I sure had Fun in Florida! Being a part of the 123rd Silver Spurs Rodeo in Kissimmee, FL was an experience of a lifetime. Who would have thought that within five days of being in the everglades that I would catch an armadillo, go hog hunting, see wild alligators and swamp creatures, ride Cracker horses and be a part of the biggest rodeo east of the Mississippi River and experience it all as a queen!!! I will be the first to tell you if you have never been to Florida, it is nothing like New Mexico. I saw more rivers, lakes, ponds, and swimming pools than I could ever imagine; it was enough that a New Mexican rancher/farmer would be jealous! But then when you think of the swamp animals that come along with the water and muck, I just as soon live in the desert (for now!) More than a dozen states were represented in Florida, and we all agreed that the hospitality could not have been any better! Miss Rodeo Arizona, Casey Rose, and I stayed with Miss Rodeo Florida, Syndye Weber, and her family; we had the best time!! Not only did we feel like we were a part of the Weber family, but we had more laughs than you could have at a family reunion! Needless to say, most of the jokes were pointed at me; my emotions tend to be worn on my sleeve, which obviously is hilarious to others I've come to find out. Ha! Ha! (To the Weber's: We'll see who gets the last laugh!) On top of the many recreational activities that were planned for the visiting queens, we had the opportunity to visit a few schools and talk with them about the sport of rodeo. It got a little crazy when the girls displayed their technique of riding bulls and broncs! Thankfully, no one was injured! :) We ventured from inside the classroom to in front of the television. The local news did a special on the rodeo and had us add a little flare and sparkle to the broadcast! It was very very cool! As the rodeo wrapped up the weekend on a Sunday afternoon the Webers', Casey Rose, and myself sat around the dining room table to take in the weeks events over some homemade key lime pie. While I sat there taking in the moment, I was criticized for not cutting the pie more precisely, "presentation is everything", Marybeth Weber pointed out to me. Some food for thought, a good pie will always be a good pie if it is made a mess of, but a good pie will be a great pie when it is presented well!

I branded the beach! Cocoa Beach, FL

Our group at Gatorland!

"No really Casey, they named the biggest alligator at Gatorland after me!"

I told ya so! Should have put some money on it!

Definitely a 'Kodak moment'!

This is where I'm know where there is no water! Ha Ha

I'm sure you're thinking, 'poor hog, couldn't have someone else sat on him?'

Well, he was a bigg'en. Almost 300lbs!

And we had to drag him out of the marsh!

We even had to load him!? Do they not know we are queens? Oh well.

I say, "I roped him! I roped me an armadillo!"

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